Chiropractic Traction Tables
Chiropractic Traction Tables and Flexion Distraction Tables -Free shipping Australia wide.
Everfit Healthcare has a lovely range of Traction tables and Flexions distraction tables for purchase for the professional chiropractor.
Using a chiropractic traction table is a successful method and non-invasive technique that is targeted at the muscles, discs, ligaments and joints of the lower back by using a traction table that stretches (lengthens) and flexes the spine. The flexion distraction table allows motion assists with relieving musculoskeletal pain by removing pressure off discs, opening up joints, reducing spinal nerve pressure and reducing muscle tension.
Who May Benefit using a Traction Table with your Chiropractic Doctor?
- Individuals with Lower back pain
- Individuals with sciatica, nerve pain, numbness, weakness or tingling
- Individuals with lumbar disc bulge/herniation looking for a different treatment technique
- Individuals who prefer a more gentle approach to their Chiropractic management
- Individuals with Scoliosis, Sacroliac Joint Syndrome or pain from Arthritis, Spondylolithesis, Spinal stenosis or Ankylosing Spondylitis
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